Aktienfonds • Aktien USA

HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

Harrington Cooper LLP
108,408 EUR
-0,136 EUR-0,13 %
108,408 EUR
108,408 EUR
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823,52 Mio. USD
3,00 %
Laufende Kosten
0,48 %
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Kosten und Erträge

Ausgabeaufschlag3,00 %
Verwaltungsgebühr0,35 %
Laufende Kosten0,48 %
Rückgabegebühr3,00 %
Keine Sparpläne

Top Holdings zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

Clean Harbors
Aktie · WKN 876514 · ISIN US1844961078
6,50 %
Analog Devices
Aktie · WKN 862485 · ISIN US0326541051
6,29 %
Charles Schwab
Aktie · WKN 874171 · ISIN US8085131055
6,02 %
Waste Connections
Aktie · WKN A2AKQ7 · ISIN CA94106B1013
5,85 %
Amphenol 'A'
Aktie · WKN 882749 · ISIN US0320951017
5,40 %
Aktie · WKN 938201 · ISIN US29362U1043
4,92 %
Halozyme Therapeutics
Aktie · WKN A0DLHS · ISIN US40637H1095
4,80 %
SS&C Technologies
Aktie · WKN A1CV38 · ISIN US78467J1007
4,57 %
Aktie · WKN A1JYNM · ISIN US4571871023
4,44 %
KBR Inc.
Aktie · WKN A0LEFS · ISIN US48242W1062
4,43 %
Summe:53,22 %

Alternative Anteilsklassen zu diesem Fonds

Was sind alternative Anteilsklassen?

Viele Investmentfonds werden in unterschiedlichen Anteilklassen angeboten. Dabei handelt es sich um Anteile am selben Fonds. Anteilklassen können sich z.B. in der Ertragsverwendung (ausschüttend / thesaurierend), in der Höhe des Ausgabeaufschlags und der Verwaltungsvergütung oder der Mindestanlagesumme unterscheiden. Jede Anteilsklasse besitzt eine eigene Wertpapierkennummer (WKN) und internationale Wertpapierkennummer (ISIN). Das Investmentkonzept bleibt über die Anteilklassen hinweg unverändert.


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Ratings zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

Morningstar ESG-Rating
Morningstar Style-Box™ (Anleihen)
Scope Mutual Fund Rating

Fondsstrategie zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

The investment objective of the Fund is long-term growth of capital by targeting companies whose share price can appreciate 35-50% in value over a 3-year time horizon. The Fund will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing in companies that, in the opinion of the Investment Manager, exhibit a set of high quality characteristics. The Fund will invest in equity securities listed on U.S. stock exchanges and issued by companies that, in the Investment Manager's opinion, exhibit a set of high quality characteristics. These characteristics include: (i) unique market leading products or services based on proprietary technology or patents and which cannot easily be copied or replaced by competitors, (ii) being a dominant player in an economic sector which has long lasting and high barriers to entry. The Fund will generally invest in securities of companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges and which have market capitalizations when their securities are first purchased by the Fund of approximately $200 million and over. The Fund will seek to generate excess returns relative to the Russell 3000® Index. The Investment Manager believes that the Russell 3000® Index is the most appropriate benchmark against which to compare the Fund's performance because it contains such a diversified portfolio of U.S. stocks. However, the Fund will not be managed to replicate the performance of the Russell 3000® Index. The Russell 3000® Index is provided for comparative and information purposes only. No account will be taken of the Russell 3000® Index in the management of the Fund or in the stock selection process and the investment strategy pursued by the Fund will not be constrained in any fashion by the Russell 3000® Index. The Fund is actively managed. This means that the Investment Manager applies a detailed fundamental analysis in order to selectively pick companies in a discretionary manner. The Fund may use currency forwards, futures or options with the aim of limiting the effect that changes in foreign exchange rates may have on the value of the Fund .

Stammdaten zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

  • KVG
  • Fondsmanager/Anlageberater
    Charles Swain CFA, Gary Rafferty, Scott Molinaroli
  • Domizil/Land
  • Geschäftsjahresbeginn
    1. Januar
  • Verwahrstelle
    Northern Trust Fiduciary Services(Ireland)Lim.
  • Fondsvolumen
    823,52 Mio. USD764,69 Mio. EUR
  • Währung
  • Auflagedatum
  • Ertragsverwendung
  • Mindestsumme Einmalanlage/Folgeeinlage
    300,00 Mio. USD /

Weitere Kurse

Performance-Rangliste des Anlageschwerpunktes

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Risiko-Kennzahlen zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

Maximaler Verlust
Positive Monate
Höchstkurs (in EUR)
Tiefstkurs (in EUR)
Durchschnittspreis (in EUR)

Performance-Kennzahlen zu HC Snyder US All Cap Equity Fund - USD Founder ACC

Relativer Return
Relativer Return Monatsdurchschnitt
Performance im Jahr
Sharpe Ratio (annualisiert)
Excess Return