Netflix verliert 40 Milliarden an Börsenwert

Markus Koch · Uhr

Netflix verliert 40 Milliarden an Börsenwert

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Netflix verliert 40 Milliarden Börsenwert - allein 9 Abstufungen heute Morgen. Don't forget: Facebook ist sechs lange Wochen weiter gesunken, trotz des 25% EInbruchs nach den Earnings. Netflix ist vorerst totes Kapital. Da lohnt es sich eher bei Disney zuzugreifen.

Hier der Kommentar der Credit Suisse: NFLX tgt to $350 from $450 - 1H22 Far Worse Than Anyone Thought: For the second quarter in a row, Netflix surprised to the downside – by a wide margin. Mgmt pointed to higher churn due to Russia and its spillover impact, macro factors in some markets, "competition on the margin", and it taking time for new streaming homes to come online, but, as they noted, the real culprit relative to their post-pandemic growth thesis is the lack of opportunity in mature markets due to 100m+ homes sharing Netflix passwords

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